AIDA Pool Contest Zeist 2024

The AIDA Pool Contest Zeist 2024 will be organized on Saturday the 29th of June. The competition is organised and hosted by Freediving Utrecht and ESKO Diveworld and will take place at the Dijnselburg Swimming Pool in Zeist.

Time schedule (provisional)

  • 16.30 Athlete registration
  • 17:00 Athlete briefing
  • 18:00 Warm-up static
  • 18:30 First OT static
  • 19:30 Warm-up dynamic
  • 20:00 First OT dynamic
  • 21:30 End of competition
  • 21:30 Drinks and award ceremony

Registration & payment information
Registration will open Monday the 20th of May. 

UPDATE (21-05): Registation through AIDA website is possible again (see link to registration below) If you have an AIDA International account please register for the competition via the AIDA website:

AIDA International

If you do not have an AIDA account you can use a Google Form to register for the competition.

The fee for participating in the competition is €30. Please transfer your fee to account number (IBAN) NL06 RABO 0361 1749 85 in name of ESKO Diveworld te Zeist stating “Competitie 2024” and your name. Please note that your registration for the competition is not completed without the payment.

Competitors can compete in the following disciplines:

Static (STA)
– and/or –
Dynamic Bi-Fins (DYNB), Dynamic No-Fins (DNF) or Dynamic monofin (DYN). Please note that due to a limitatation in pool availability athletes can only compete in one of the mentioned dynamic disciplines.

You can take part in both static and dynamic disciplines, but only one of the three dynamic disciplines. As a DFA member or other AIDA National member, you can register on the AIDA International event website. Further information regarding registration for the competition will follow soon.

Competition venue
The competition will take place at Zwembad Dijnselburg, Badmeester Schenkpad 8, 3705 GK Zeist. Below you will find some information on the pools used during the competition.

·         Temperature:     30⁰ C
·         Depth:                  1,40 meters
·         3 competition lanes (side-by-side)
·         Preparation lane (only to be entered if preceding athlete is in competition line)
·         General warm-up area (only to be entered 30 mIn before Official Top)
·         During STA athletes can find a place just outside of the STA pool for relaxation and preparation.

DYNB/DNF Pool (competition pool)
·         Length:                 25m
·         Depth:                  1,40m / 2,00m / 3,65m (athletes start at 1,40m)
·         Temperature:     25⁰ C
·         2 competition lanes (left and right outside lanes at the pool edge)
·         2 lanes for underwater video- & photography (inside of the competition lanes)
·         2 lanes in the middle of the pool for warm-up and preparation (only to be entered 30 mIn before Official Top)
·         During DYNB/DNF athletes can find a place on the left side of the competition pool for relaxation and preparation.

Pool lay-out

On the right side the smaller pool is the static pool, on the left is the 25m pool for dynamic disciplines.

Medical statement
A valid medical statement is required for all competing athletes. Medical statements need to be signed by a medical doctor, self-evaluation forms do not count as valid medical statements. Make sure to bring your valid medical statement to the competition as you will be required to show this during registration.


Below you can find the requirements for a valid medical statement as outlined in the AIDA regulations.

AIDA regulations
We wish to remind athletes that this competition will take place under AIDA regulations. Use the following link to find the AIDA regulations.



We would like to inform all participants that photographs and video recordings will be captured during the event. These visuals may be utilized for promotional activities by Freediving Utrecht and the Dutch Freediving Association in the future. Participants who prefer not to be filmed or do not wish their images to be used for promotional reasons are encouraged to notify the event organizers.

Additionally, please be aware that recordings of each performance will be made for potential review by the judges. It is not possible to opt out of these specific recordings. However, please rest assured that these recordings will not be used for promotional purposes or made publicly available. They may, however, be reviewed in a limited scope by a select group for the purpose of evaluating safety protocols and judges’ decisions.